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5 Tips To Avoid Holiday Stress | Absolute Collagen
December 10, 2019

5 tips to avoid holiday stress

‘Tis the season to be jolly! (Did you just read that while singing in your head? You may have even added a ‘falalalala!.)

Christmas and New Year are all about family, fun, films, food and your favourite things, right? But it also can be a pretty stressful period, which is why we're sharing 5 tips to avoid holiday stress.

Let’s be honest. The festive season can be a rather fraught time, especially for parents who need to juggle the demands of their little ones, the magic of Santa, and the shopping and subterfuge that's involved.

But it's not just parents that may enjoy our tips to reduce holiday stress. This time of year is always busy: there's work do's, family gatherings, holiday parties, and lots of Christmas shopping.

The harsh truth is that this holiday season can become overwhelming. It can create anxiety and low mood and generally make you feel weary. That's why using our 5 tips to avoid holiday stress is an important way to get more enjoyment from Christmas and New Year.

Exercise - 5 tips to avoid holiday stress | Absolute Collagen

Get your body ready for the festive season

The overindulgence that’s part and parcel of Christmas means it is wise to prepare yourself physically.

And we're not just talking about indulging in your favourite Christmasy snacks. All that shopping, decorating, wrapping, cooking and cleaning will tire you out, too. Plus, all the festive fun can interfere with your normal fitness schedule and your body clock.

One of our 5 ways to avoid holiday stress is to continue to exercise. As tempting as it is to sink into the sofa with a full tummy and watch a Christmas film, getting fresh air and a little activity will help you avoid feeling sluggish and sleepy.

So go for a long walk, do some quick yoga, or take the stairs instead of the lift. Anything you can do to get in a little exercise before the holidays will help you feel more on top of it.

You should also try to eat as healthy as possible in the lead up to Christmas. Getting those essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins will help you feel in tip-top shape.

Collagen supplements can also help boost energy levels, look after gut health, and keep your skin looking fresh. We have some delicious recipes for smoothies that are packed with all the good stuff that can get you through Christmas.

Look After Your Mental Health- 5 tips to avoid holiday stress | Absolute Collagen

Pay attention to your mental health

If you’re looking after everyone else during the Christmas holiday season, it’s far too easy to put your own needs on the back burner. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can rest and feel better after it’s all over, as you could be storing up a serious case of the January blues.

Take time out to do the things you enjoy and get some breathing space. This could include an exercise class, meditation, your favourite activity or simply sitting in a chair reading in peace and quiet. This is not about being selfish or ignoring people. It’s a wise investment in your own mood and self-preservation!

This season can also be hard if you've lost a loved one or feel alone on the holidays. Sometimes, the holiday season isn't happy for everyone. We recommend reaching out to friends, and family, or even a helpline to talk to people who care and want to offer their support.

Spend Time With Family - 5 tips to avoid holiday stress | Absolute Collagen

Remember the true meaning of Christmas

Christmas is not about who has the most elaborate decorations, biggest tree or most expensive gifts. It’s also not about crippling yourself financially.

The true meaning of Christmas is about being together with family and friends. It's about having fun, relaxing, and reconnecting. Most of all, it's about making memories.

Your kids might have a list for Santa that's a mile long, but in the long run, spending time with each other is the best gift you can give.

Wrap your loved ones up in hugs, and don't worry so much about the small stuff. Instead, make memories together, like playing board games, taking a Boxing Day walk, or going to the cinema together.

Laugh it off - 5 tips to avoid holiday stress | Absolute Collagen

Don’t expect perfection

Weeks of preparation and hard work go into making Christmas and New Year celebrations special.

If you have young kids, there is even more emphasis on creating something magical and memorable. This can create high expectations, and leave you feeling stressed and upset if anything goes wrong.

But stuff happens! To use a saying from popular culture - just chill out. If there is a minor incident, accident or omission try to shrug it off and don’t let it spoil all the things that DID go right. In fact, better yet, try to laugh at the mishaps and mistakes.

Overcooked the turkey? Accidentally bought the wrong present? These things are normal, and who knows? The stuff that goes wrong is what you'll look back on and laugh about as a family years later.

Stick To Your Budget - 5 tips to avoid holiday stress | Absolute Collagen

Keep to a budget

The last of our 5 tips to avoid holiday stress is possibly the one that makes us sound a bit “Scrooge-like”. However, money worries can be the biggest cause of anxiety and depression at this time of year.

Managing stress over the festive season and into 2020 can be much easier if you set a clear budget in advance and stick to it. Make sure you factor in not gifts but also the extra food, alcohol, clothes, petrol, outings and other incidentals.

When you know how much you can afford to spend, and you have a plan that keeps you on track, use lots of self-control. Invest in the things that are most likely to support good health and happiness and try to avoid the commercialism and excess of Christmas. You can try your hand at making homemade presents this year, or keep an eye on price trackers to make sure you're getting a good deal.

There are way too many temptations to give your credit card an airing - so remember, it's always the thought that counts!

The team at Absolute Collagen wish you a very merry holiday season! If you're looking for the perfect Christmas present, why not try a subscription to Absolute Collagen? Perfect for men, women, mums, dads, best friends... the list goes on and on. Happy holidays!

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