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how to repair collagen
August 21, 2019

How to repair collagen in your skin

For years, people have been wondering how to repair collagen in their skin in order to retain a more youthful and illuminated complexion.

Well, the solution is a lot simpler than you think. 

If you want to know how to repair collagen in your skin and boost the abundance of the protein in your body, then you've come to the right place. 

From a protein-packed supplement to a collagen-rich diet, there are so many ways to repair collagen in your skin.

Try some collagen repairing techniques out for yourself to see which is best for you. 

How is collagen damaged?

How is collagen damaged

Collagen depletion is a natural part of the ageing process, which is why older people tend to have looser skin that is prone to wrinkling. 

However, collagen breakdown and depletion can also be caused by our lifestyle choices and the chemicals that interfere with our skin on a daily basis. 

Free radicals are a huge contributor to collagen breakdown as they cause the collagen to undergo a process called cross-linking, which ultimately weakens the collagen bonds and skin elasticity.

Free radicals can be found in pollutants as well as UV rays. 

If you're wondering how to repair collagen when free radicals are everywhere in our environment, the answer is through improved diet and breathing in the fresh air away from the polluted city centre. 

For the UV rays, the solution is simple: be sensible when you're enjoying the sunshine.

Slather on SPF multiple times a day and cover up if you’re prone to sunburn and heat rash.

Collagen also breaks down due to a process called glycation; this is when the proteins that make up the collagen protein bind with sugar molecules, causing them to lose their elasticity. 

This also prevents cells from retaining moisture, which leads to dry and lack-lustre looking skin. 

However, glycation isn't an irreversible process and through an improved diet with less intake of artificial sugar, it's possible to repair the collagen bonds.

5 ways to repair collagen in your skin.

How to repair collagen

Treat yourself to a facial

Not only is a facial relaxing, it can also nourish your skin and help to naturally boost the production of collagen. 

It's important to constantly stimulate your facial muscles and massaging in an upward and circular motion can help to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and enlarged pores. 

For best results, go to a professional masseuse who can specifically target areas of the skin that are prone to sagging and collagen damage. 

However, it's not only the act of the massage itself that helps to repair collagen in the skin, but the products and creams that are rich in collagen-boosting properties. 

For instance, masks with tea extract have been shown to stimulate the production of collagen and allow skin cells to retain more moisture, which is especially good for damaged skin or those with inflammatory skin conditions. 

However, facials can be expensive, and while they can improve skin quickly, the results are not long-lasting.

2. Collagen fillers

If you're not opposed to the surgical route, fillers are a quick-fix option for those wondering how to repair collagen in their skin. 

A medical professional strategically injects collagen into specific parts of the face in order to give a fuller and more youthful appearance. 

This is useful for people who have developed fine lines and wrinkles from sun damage, or those who simply want more collagen to plump up their lips or cheeks. 

However, this is not an ideal long-term solution and won't fix the underlying problems to your collagen damage; injections will be needed every few months to keep collagen levels high, which is inconvenient and costly.

3. Protect your skin in the sun

While it's great to get out into the sunshine to get some vitamin D, UV rays can wreak havoc on our skin and can actually cause collagen levels to break down. 

A tan might give your body a healthy glow in the short-term, but it can actually lead to skin ageing in the long-term, and in the worst-case scenario, skin cancer. 

A great way to prevent this is to wear a high factor sun cream and avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day.

Also avoid tanning beds as the UV rays in them are very harmful to the body.

However, if the damage is already done, it's still possible to use collagen to repair bonds and restore the youthfulness and life to your skin.

Consider using a collagen-rich cream regularly, or ingest more collagen to make up for the levels that have depleted.

4. Improve your diet

If you're wondering how to repair collagen with a long-term solution, the answer might lie in your food choices. 

If you incorporate more collagen-rich foods into your diet, then your body will produce an abundance of the protein and have enough for essential repairs and to nourish the skin in order to make it appear youthful. 

A great place to start is with a low glycaemic diet, with an abundance of fresh veg and very little artificial sugar. 

However, the natural sugars in fruit are perfectly fine and can actually help your body to produce and repair collagen.

Vitamin C, in particular, is essential to incorporate into your diet as it is renowned in the skincare world for its radiance boosting properties.

Together, vitamin C and collagen are a match made in heaven, as they can help with skin conditions and effectively repair collagen bonds. 

5. Incorporate collagen supplements into your lifestyle

If you're looking for a fast and efficient way to repair collagen in your skin, collagen supplements truly are the superior solution. 

Oral supplements have gained popularity in recent years and numerous studies have shown them to be effective at increasing skin hydration and reversing any signs of ageing. 

Supplements can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle and are a fast way to get your daily collagen requirements if you haven't been able to achieve this through diet alone. 

Absolute Collagen’s liquid formula is packed with 8 grams of hydrolysed marine collagen peptides - the best kind of collagen - as well as Vitamin C, natural sweetener, and 7.7 grams of protein.

Liquid collagen is superior to tablets as it’s proven to hit the bloodstream faster as well as improve absorption.

Plus, it can help increase your collagen production from the inside out, unlike creams and serums. 

Just one sachet of Absolute Collagen a day can transform your skin, nails, and hair, as well as leave you feeling better than ever.

They’re designed to be taken on the go, so they’re ideal for busy lifestyles, and can cost as little as £1.93 per day. 

If you're worrying about how to repair collagen in your skin and reverse any damage you've done, don't panic. 

It's entirely possible to repair those collagen bonds and restore your skin's vibrancy and supple appearance. 

Supplements like Absolute Collagen are a quick and easy way to incorporate more collagen into your system, so what are you waiting for?

Join our tribe of #Absoluters and benefit from hydrated, firmer, plumper skin as well as healthy hair, joints, muscles, and more.

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