Collagen: is it good for high blood pressure?
We believe so!
Most people associate the protein with hair growth and as a great way to strengthen bones, but there are so many other health benefits associated with taking collagen.
It's good for high blood pressure, as the protein actively works to repair heart muscles and arteries instead of just disguising the symptoms.
Still not convinced? This article contains all you need to know about the potency of a collagen supplement and how it can effectively combat high blood pressure.
High blood pressure
Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a common condition that more than 5 million people in the UK have.
The scary thing about high blood pressure is that it's hard to detect and people can live with high blood pressure for years and not even experience any symptoms; they may not even realise they have it.
Anyone of any age can suffer from high blood pressure, but the risk increases as you get older and is most common in men aged 65 and over.
Lifestyle choices are the most common cause of high blood pressure and consuming too much salt, not doing enough physical activity or consuming too much alcohol are common causes.
Being overweight can also play a big part in the development of high blood pressure as more pressure is placed on the heart, making it less efficient at pumping blood around the body.
However, sometimes high blood pressure has no identifiable cause and cannot be rectified by altering your lifestyle alone; hypertension might be genetically inherited, or it might be brought on by an underlying issue such as a tumour or even sleep apnoea.
If left unchecked, high blood pressure can lead to some serious health complications.
The pressure on the heart and arteries can lead to a heart attack or stroke, which can be life-altering, if not fatal.
Doctors recommend lifestyle changes and medication in order to reduce blood pressure back to a normal level, but many people don't realise how effective collagen can be at combating the condition.
Why is collagen good for high blood pressure?
1. It can repair muscles
As the primary building block for protein, collagen helps with muscle repair, which makes it particularly important for athletes or those hoping to recover quickly after a sports injury.
Studies even support this claim as participants reported less discomfort after physical activity when they took collagen supplements for an extended period.
However, it's also good for high blood pressure as the collagen helps to strengthen the most important muscle in our entire body: the heart.
Our collagen levels naturally deplete as we age, so a supplement would be particularly useful for the elderly if they want to keep their hearts strong.
2. Weight loss
Excess weight can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure by up to 47% as fat lines the arteries, narrowing the amount of blood flow available to the heart. Researchers found that obese people who lost weight reduced their risk of developing hypertension by up to 54%.
Weight loss can be difficult for some people who might find it hard to change their diet completely, but incorporating a collagen supplement into your diet might be a productive first step in creating a healthier lifestyle.
Studies have proven collagen to be an effective weight loss supplement; participants in the study reported notable fat loss and increased muscle tone after taking collagen for an extended period of time.
Collagen can be a great kick-start for your new healthier lifestyle, making it easier to shed some weight and lower your blood pressure levels.
3. It reduces artery stiffness
Arterial stiffness can be caused by a build-up of fat, but it is also something that naturally occurs as we age; it is closely linked to the progression of heart disease and high blood pressure.
However, collagen can help to reduce this artery stiffness as the unique chain of amino acids creates more elastin, which lubricates joints and makes veins and arteries more flexible.
In a 2017 study by Tomosugi et al, collagen was proven to help reduce artery stiffness in participants who consumed it twice daily. Not only can collagen treat artery stiffness, it can also prevent it from developing in healthy humans in the first place.
4. Allows you to do more exercise
Lack of physical activity is a leading cause of high blood pressure, but this might not be down to being lazy; injury, old age or discomfort when exercising might prevent some people from incorporating exercise into their lifestyle.
Collagen can lubricate and repair the body's muscles, bones and ligaments, which can make exercise so much easier to accomplish.
A 2017 study supports the effectiveness of collagen where those who suffered from activity-related knee discomfort noticed a significant reduction in pain after taking the supplements.
The results of the study can be applied to more than just knee injuries; collagen has the potential to heal all joints after an injury.
This would enable people to exercise more frequently without pain, enabling them to reduce their blood pressure levels through physical activity.
5. Collagen promotes blood circulation
Good blood flow is important for all of your organs, not just the heart; it provides your body with the essential nutrients and oxygen necessary to keep you feeling healthy.
Collagen is good for high blood pressure as it promotes blood circulation and reduces the amount of strain placed on your arteries. Research suggests that amino acid in collagen called Arginine is responsible for helping with blood circulation.
Arginine effectively improves overall heart health by decreasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood; it helps to widen the veins and arteries, consequently reducing the amount of pressure placed on the heart.
Is collagen good for high blood pressure? Get started today with Absolute Collagen
Each sachet of Absolute Collagen contains 8 grams of high-grade hydrolysed marine collagen.
The advanced formula is also infused with vitamin C, which works synergistically with marine collagen for optimum results.
Absolute Collagen’s award-winning supplement fights against the visible signs of ageing as well as looking after your body from the inside out.
The benefits of taking collagen truly are innumerable. Supplements are good for high blood pressure and will actively combat many other health complaints. You'll notice a great difference in your appearance as well as your physical wellbeing.