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3 things that decrease collagen production
July 22, 2019

3 things that decrease collagen production

There are many different factors that affect the way your skin ages. The same is true about collagen production.

Lifestyle habits like smoking can lead to decreased collagen production, which results in wrinkles, dry and sagging skin, and more.

Here are three things that may be causing decreased collagen production in your body.

Not enough Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential part of the collagen production process. It gives the essential amino acids the hydrogen and oxygen they need to produce collagen. The more you have, the more collagen your body will produce. Without enough Vitamin C, the production process will slow down or stop entirely.

This is why Absolute Collagen’s supplements contain Vitamin C, as it works synergistically with collagen to kickstart production and keep skin looking radiant.

Unfortunately, our bodies do not produce Vitamin C naturally, so you need to make sure you’re getting enough citrus and leafy greens in your diet to combat decreased collagen production. 

Too much sunlight 

Believe it or not, there is a thing as having too much fun in the sun. While you do need to soak up that sunshine to boost Vitamin D, too much exposure can have a negative effect.

UVA rays cause the most damage, as they reach deeper into the skin than UVB rays. This causes collagen to break down faster and creates free radicals, which also lead to decreased collagen production.

To prevent sun damage, always wear at least 30 SPF or higher even in the winter, as UVA rays are present all year round. Also avoid tanning booths as they reach deeper into the skin and can radically damage collagen production. 

Not taking a supplement 

The truth is that collagen levels naturally start to decrease as early as 25, so the natural ageing process is one of the main reasons collagen production lessens.

The only way to fix that is to either not age - which is impossible! - or to start taking a supplement to boost your levels from within. A collagen peptide supplement like Absolute Collagen can help jumpstart that slowing collagen production, which in turn gives your skin new life. 

Unlike creams or serums, ingesting collagen can help from the inside out. It will reach the dermal layer of the skin, helping to plump out those wrinkles and smooth out skin. 

Absolute Collagen contains marine collagen peptides, the best kind of collagen. It has a higher and bioavailability and is absorbed into the bloodstream faster. Our formula is also infused with vitamin C, which works synergistically with marine collagen for optimum skin rejuvenation and tissue renewal.

Just one sachet of Absolute Collagen a day can help restore collagen production and reduce the signs of ageing.

Find out more here.

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