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Collagen for Teeth and Gums
July 22, 2019

Why collagen is great for teeth and gums?

Have you ever considered just how beneficial collagen is for teeth and gums? 

Most people take a collagen supplement to strengthen their muscles and to make their skin appear more radiant, but you should also be taking collagen for teeth and gums; it is an unparalleled treatment in terms of its repair and strengthening properties. 

Here is a comprehensive guide on why collagen is the only supplement you need for a radiant and healthy smile. 

About teeth and gums

About teeth and gums

On average, we have a full set of adult teeth by the age of 14. From then onwards we have to do everything we can to protect our teeth from damage and decay because they're the only teeth we have. 

Despite their small size, teeth are made up of different layers of tissue including pulp, dentine, enamel and cementum. 

With decay or erosion, it's easy for any of these layers to become damaged, which can lead to pain or even tooth loss. It's also important to take care of the gums surrounding our teeth as this is what keeps them in place. 

Good oral hygiene is one way to take care of teeth, but even those who brush religiously and floss after every meal can be subject to dental problems; tooth and gum damage can even occur by brushing too vigorously or eating food that is too acidic. 

Collagen supplements can be considered your oral saviour as the protein occurs naturally in the body. 

You might be surprised to know that it is particularly prevalent in tooth enamel and even tooth germ, which is responsible for tooth growth and development. 

However, the amount of collagen our bodies naturally make is limited, and the levels only deplete as we get older.

The protein targets the most important areas (such as our organs and tissues) first, and our teeth are usually the last to be nourished by collagen.

By supplementing your body with collagen, you are restoring your body's collagen reserves, meaning that low priority areas like teeth, gums and nails can get the treatment they deserve. 

If you incorporate collagen supplements into your daily routine, you can look forward to a strong set of teeth that will remain cavity and decay free for the rest of your life. 

Why collagen is great for teeth and gums

Most people never consider using collagen for teeth and gums, but you would be surprised at just how beneficial it is. 

Type 1 collagen is responsible for repairing and strengthening our teeth and gums; this is amazing when you consider that, gram for gram, type 1 collagen fibrils are stronger than steel

Here are six reasons why collagen is the only supplement you need for your teeth and gums. 

It can strengthen the bone in your mouth

strengthen the bone in your mouth

Our mouths aren't just fleshy gums and white teeth; connecting all of this together is the jaw bone, and looking after this is just as important for our oral health as caring for our gums. 

If our jaw bones become brittle, this can cause the foundations of our teeth to crumble and break. 

However, collagen is an amazing substance that can keep our bones healthy.

Studies suggest that collagen plays an important role in strengthening bones and improving bone density, meaning that we can look forward to having a healthy mouth if we take the protein in supplements. 

It's a natural alternative

You could invest in an expensive mouthwash that might not work, or undergo painful and lengthy treatments in order to correct your smile, but why put yourself through this when collagen could be the answer? 

It's the perfect option for people who prefer home remedies as it is free from any harsh chemicals or hidden extras that might actually do more damage to your teeth than good. 

Our product is one that you can trust as collagen is a naturally occurring protein in the body; the good it does is evident in our day to day life.

Supplements can help with gum recession

Receding gums begin with sensitivity and the recession takes place over a long period of time. In extreme cases, you might need a gum graft in order to fix the problem. 

However, collagen is an essential component in tissue repair, making it the ideal supplement for those with gum disease. 

Even if you don't have the condition, taking supplements can prevent gum disease from developing in the first place, as many people don't detect it until it's too late.

Collagen can help to heal mouth ulcers

Most of us experience mouth ulcers at some point in our lives; they can surface on the gums, take weeks to go away and cause us a lot of pain. 

Collagen is traditionally used to treat more serious internal ulcers, but it can also be used to repair the irritating, yet non-threatening, mouth ulcers that can disrupt our daily lives. 

Collagen can fight against tooth loss

Collagen has been found in 90% of our connective tissues, including the tissues that anchor our teeth to our gums; without strong connective tissues our teeth would be subject to decay, which can lead to tooth loss. 

This is especially important for pregnant women, who regularly experience tooth pain and loss because their teeth are not receiving adequate nutrition. Collagen supplements can nourish the connective tissues and help to prevent tooth loss. 

Collagen is a key component in strengthening and restoring tooth enamel

You should seriously consider taking collagen for teeth and gums as studies suggest that it is one of the only natural substances that help to restore enamel. 

Without enamel, our teeth can become weak, and re-mineralising the teeth can be difficult. Collagen supplements are a great way to strengthen enamel, and subsequently our teeth. 

Collagen truly is an amazing substance that our body can't live without.

The benefits of the supplement are innumerable and can improve the appearance and condition of every part of our body, teeth and gums.

If you're considering taking collagen for teeth and gums, contact a member of the Absolute Collagen team and we can determine the ideal collagen package for you.

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