How to get your hair to grow longer and stronger
Wondering how to get your hair to grow longer?
Waiting for it to grow naturally can be frustrating and some people will try anything to encourage hair growth.
Luscious locks are highly sought after by men and women alike, desperate to know how to get hair to grow longer and healthier.
Some people wake up with naturally beautiful tresses and don't understand the struggle of having thin and brittle hair; for others, the journey to having a full head of hair isn't as simple.
Hair growth is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet, and external damage. While you might not be able to change your genetic predisposition for thinner hair, you can make certain lifestyle changes to get the hair you've always dreamed of.
If you've been wondering how to get your hair to grow longer and stronger without surgical intervention, then these five tips might be the solution you've been searching for:
1. Collagen supplements
As we age, the amount of naturally occurring collagen in our bodies begins to decline; this can manifest itself through our physical appearance, making the skin appear wrinkled and our hair seem thinner, shorter and weaker.
In fact, numerous studies show that collagen is essential for hair growth and your body uses the amino acids in the protein to fortify the hair shaft and help follicles to grow new and healthier strands of hair.
While diets can restore some of the collagen in our bodies, one reliable way to restore levels of the protein is with supplements.
Ideal for both men and women, supplements are easy to incorporate into your lifestyle and you can feel reassured that you're getting the correct level of nutrition.
Beyond just hair growth, collagen supplements have also been linked to a variety of health benefits, including bone strength and heart health.
2. Ditch the heat
Straightened hair or a fresh blow-dry can look amazing... for a short time.
However, exposing your hair to constant heat can cause serious damage to your hair in the long-term, leaving it dry and brittle. Heat styling products can even cause permanent damage to proteins in the hair, causing the structure of the hair follicle itself to change.
If you're wondering how to get your hair to grow longer, you will need to part ways with your beloved hair straighteners, hairdryers and curling wands.
If you have to use these products for a special night out or formal occasion, make sure you use a quality heat protectant spray first.
Heated styling products are one thing but have you ever thought about the damage sun can do to your hair? The UV rays can damage your hair just as much as your skin; however, lather on the coconut oil as it has been shown to protect the hair shaft from sun damage, acting as sun cream for your locks.
3. Nourish your scalp
You can buy the most expensive products for your hair, but this won't mean anything if you don't look after your scalp.
As the epicentre of all hair growth, if you take care of your scalp's follicles your hair is sure to be healthy and nourished before it can even begin to grow.
In fact, studies suggest that a regular scalp massage can increase hair thickness and growth over time. Massage in conjunction with nourishing products, such as conditioner, and you'll have long and healthy hair before you know it.
How you brush your hair is also an important consideration if you're wondering how to get your hair to grow longer.
Regularly brushing helps to distribute the oils at your scalp, making it appear less greasy and allowing the tips of your hair to receive some hydration.
However, aggressive brushing puts unnecessary pressure on the scalp and can actually cause hair to fall out; for best results, brush hair when it's dry, starting from the tip and working your way up to the roots.
4. Visit your hairdresser regularly
A trip to the hairdressers might seem counterproductive when you're trying to get long, Rapunzel length hair, but it's actually essential in the long run.
Many hair care products might promise to eradicate split ends, but the only way to get rid of them permanently is to cut them off. Frequent trims prevent your hair shaft from splitting further, making your head of hair look so much healthier.
While you're at the hairdresser, you might be tempted by the platinum blonde hair on the models, but if you want long and strong hair, bleach must be avoided at all costs.
Speaking to the Huffington Post, hair specialist Robert Dorin says:
"It is impossible to make your hair lighter without the use of a bleaching/oxidizing agent so no matter what, your hair will reap some type of damaging effects.”
If you want healthy-looking locks, it's better to rock your natural colour.
5. Improve your diet
A good diet is essential for your physical health; if you're not getting the vitamins and nutrients you need, then the condition of your hair is likely to suffer.
Pack your meals with plenty of fruits and vegetables, and look forward to beautiful hair as well as better health.
A common symptom of iron deficiency is hair loss, so if you want your hair to go thick and strong, then you need a diet of iron-rich foods; shellfish are a great source of iron and just one serving of spinach contains more than 5% of your recommended iron intake.
Vitamin C is another essential vitamin for hair growth, as it can help the body to produce more collagen, which is an essential protein if you're hoping for strong hair that can retain its vibrancy and colour.
How many of these tips are you going to incorporate into your lifestyle and hair care routine? A luscious head of hair can do wonders for your self-confidence; if you want to look and feel good, start making the necessary changes to help with hair strength and growth.