How do Absolute Collagen supplements work?
Popularly known as the wellspring of youth, collagen supplements work to keep your hair, nails, and muscles rock solid and your skin glowing.
How? Here’s the breakdown for how our collagen supplements work:
Obviously, taking in more collagen through supplements means you have more in your body but it also revs up your fibroblasts - the cells that form most of your connective tissues- to produce more collagen naturally.
You may be asking yourself, ‘what makes marine collagen different’?
Well, the marine collagen used in Absolute Collagen is sourced from fish and is environmentally friendly and sustainable. When collagen is hydrolysed, it is reduced to small peptides making it have a smaller molecular weight. This makes it more digestible and more readily available to be absorbed.
The peptide supplements have a superior bioavailability, meaning your body breaks it down faster. Once ingested, they are absorbed into your intestine to travel into your bloodstream within an hour. Collagen supplements not only give your body collagen but stimulate your body to increase its production rate to create collagen naturally.
Next, it makes its way to the target tissues like your skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles and cartilage. The amino acids equip the target tissues with the support needed to strengthen them.
What are the effects of collagen supplements?
The effects of collagen are visibly noticeable throughout your whole body. Absolute Collagen nourishes your nails, strengthens your hair and creates gorgeous, wrinkle-free skin. Plus, it has amazing benefits on your joints, gut health, and helps with muscle mass.
Collagen works as the brick and mortar foundation of your body; as you age, this supply decreases which is what causes your skin to lose that firm, plump texture, resulting in wrinkles.
However, thanks to collagen supplements swooping in and helping out with these inevitable issues the days of dull thinning hair, brittle nails and worn-out skin can be long gone. Collagen restocks your natural supply so time may not be on your side, but Absolute Collagen always is.
So, that’s the round up of how collagen supplements work to keep you happy and healthy. Why not head to our shop to put the good stuff to work? Subscribe & save 18%...including free delivery!