Fight Acne with Absolute Collagen
Ironically, whilst sitting and researching this blog post, I’ve been playing with a pimple on my forehead. And I am nearly 40-years of age.
Spots and acne are very common – with almost everyone having a few throughout adolescence – but it can lead to a much more serious problem; even developing in twenties, thirties and beyond; as one of my friends discovered much to her horror after reaching the big ‘four-oh’ milestone.
“My skin took a change for the worse and I developed mild rosacea and adult acne. The doctor said not to expect much improvement, even using specialist creams and prescriptions. “
However, Suzanne decided to look elsewhere for an answer and turned to Absolute Collagen.
“After not even a month my skin has improved by 100%! I found this product has made a huge difference where nothing else has, thank you as I was starting to give up hope!”
I feel Suzanne’s pain. As a teenager I was plagued with acne, more so on my back and shoulders which made me self-conscious and unwilling to get changed for PE or swimming in-front of my peers. I was, quite controversially nowadays, prescribed an antibiotic which I took for 18-months and did improve the condition – but with the new-found evidence of people becoming antibiotic immune probably in hindsight not the best thing I could have done.
So what causes acne? Simply, the subaceous (oil producing) glands produce excess oil and at the same time the dead skin cells lining the pores are not shed properly and clog up the follicles. These two effects result in further oil producing blackheads and whiteheads splattering the skin – and they can multiply. I hold my hands up – there’s nothing quite as satisfying as popping a pimple – but this causes the oil to spread and it’s very easy to get caught in a vicious-cycle of pimples and popping – and eventually scarring.
So what do you do if you start to get spots at any age?
NHS choices suggest using a mild cleanser or soap and avoiding frequent skin washing, limit the amount of make-up you wear and don’t squeeze! Additionally, there are many topical lotions and potions on the market aimed at canvassing clear skin from the outside – but how about fixing it on the inside?
That’s where Absolute Collagen comes in. So – collagen is THE most abundant protein in our bodies and over 30% of the total protein in our bodies is collagen. It is so important – literally being the glue that holds everything together; even forming the connective tissues that anchor the teeth to our gums – and it’s particularly vital for acne-free skin.
Why? I hear you cry…well – collagen supercharges the healing of old acne. So that pimple I’ve plagued on my forehead? That will get fixed by our best marine-collagen supplement. Just like if I cut my knee – roughly 10 hours afterwards my immune-system fibroblasts would chuck out loads and loads of collagen to create a ‘cellular matrix’ to which other structural proteins attach themselves to reform the wound. So the wound is sealed and infection cannot get in – and then this type 3 collagen, after about 3 weeks, will cleverly be replaced by type 1 collagen and the healing of my skin will begin in earnest; strengthening it back to normal.
The bombardment of acne also damages surrounding tissues and lower layer skin cells are weakened. Collagen in our body repairs these base levels again and again too – just like that pimple you popped on the surface.
With MORE hydrolysed collagen in your bloodstream – immune-system chemicals designed to fight acne inflammation, redness and swelling will be far superior. So in short – if you take your 10ml liquid collagen shot every day, your old acne wont hang around and the bodily processes that restore normal skin balance will be far more efficient!
So Absolute Collagen really is truly critical for acne-free skin. I’m off to take my shot…