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5 Dry January Mocktails That You Won't Even Realise Are Booze-free - Absolute Collagen
January 16, 2020

5 Dry January mocktail recipes you'll love

Dry January is here!

More and more people are choosing to go alcohol free to start of their year. Some people like to detox after a busy, booze-heavy holiday season and give their liver a break, while others do it to raise money for charity or to start 2020 off on a healthy foot.

But just because you’re giving up wine, beer, and other cocktails as pass, it doesn’t mean you have to be stuck drinking water all month. These Dry January mocktails will make sure you don't feel deprived. Trust us, you won’t even realise they’re missing alcohol. 

Here are five of our favourite dry January mocktails. 

Dry January Mocktails - Mojito | Absolute Collagen

Mojito Mocktail

This refreshing take on the classic drink skips out on the rum to create a booze-free blend for parties. 

Limes are a good source of potassium and magnesium. It rejuvenates skin, improves digestion and fights infections. 

Mint is normally enjoyed in small doses because of its overpowering flavour but it is rich in nutrients, vitamin A and antioxidants.

Carbonated water is a healthy alternative to sugary soft drinks and has benefits for digestive health.


- 1 tbsp sugar
- Small bunch mint
- 3 limes juiced
- Sparkling water
- You can even add your Absolute Collagen sachet!


Muddle the sugar with leaves from the mint with a small bowl and the end of a rolling pin. Put a handful of crushed ice into 2 tall glasses. Divide the lime juice between the glasses. Add a straw and top up with soda water and Absolute Collagen.

Faux Fizz: Dry January Mocktail Ideas | Absolute Collagen

Faux Fizz

This fun and fizzy drink is a great alternative to champagne and prosecco during Dry January.

Apricots are very nutritious and low in calories. They promote eye, skin and gut health while also being high in antioxidants and potassium.

Pears are high in dietary fibre. One 100 calorie pear is heavily packed with plant compounds and antioxidants while reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and supports weight loss. 


- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- Sparkling water to top up

For the base syrup:

- 1 sliced pear
- 4 dried apricots
- 75g golden caster sugar
- 25g honey
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 1 strip lemon zest


To make the base syrup, put the sliced pear, dried apricots, golden caster sugar, honey, rosemary and a strip of lemon zest altogether in a saucepan with 100ml of water. Heat it up for 10 mins until the sugar has dissolved. Make sure the pear is very soft, then leave the pan to cool completely.

Strain the syrup into a jug, add the apple cider vinegar and chill in the fridge for at least 30 mins. Pour about 25ml of the syrup into a champagne flute and top with cold sparkling water.

Rhubarb Cordial - 5 Dry January Mocktail Recipes You'll Love | Absolute Collagen

Rhubarb Mocktail

This Dry January mocktail only takes ten minutes to make and provides some summer vibes during these cold days.

Rhubarb contains more calcium than a cup of milk. The stalks provide great levels of vitamin K and C as well as potassium and manganese. 


- 300g golden caster sugar
- Zest and juice 1 orange
- Zest and juice 1 lemon
- 450g rhubarb, chopped
- 1 slice fresh root ginger, peeled


Put the sugar in a large saucepan with 300ml water. Bring to a simmer. Add the zest, the juice of the orange and lemon along with rhubarb and ginger.

Cook the mixture over a medium heat until the rhubarb is falling apart. Pour the mixture through a sieve lined with muslin into a clean heatproof jug then transfer to sterilised bottles.

To finish, you can add an Absolute Collagen sachet to each bottle.

Tropical Fruit Cup - Dry January Mocktails | Absolute Collagen

Tropical Punch Cups

While this isn’t so much a mocktail, it’s a great party pick-me-up full of flavour and nutrition.

Pineapples are bursting with vitamins, zinc, antioxidants and calcium. In particular, pineapples have a lot of vitamin C which is essential for a healthy immune system.

Some health benefits of mangoes is that they help in healthy digestion and lower cholesterol.

Starfruit is definitely one of the more exotic fruits that you could try out for Fry January. It’s anti-inflammatory, heart friendly and regulates blood pressure. 


- ½ fresh pineapple
- 2 mangoes
- 2 starfruit
- 150ml guava juice (or other tropical fruit juice)
- 50ml ginger beer


Cut and peel the mango and pineapple into chunks. Slice the starfruit.  After that, all you need to do is mix together all the fruit in a large bowl with the guava juice, then let it chill until it is ready to serve.

At the last minute, pour the ginger beer and a sachet of Absolute Collagen in. You can serve with small cups or bowls on the side for spooning the drinks and fruit into.

5 Dry January Mocktails You'll Love - Spiced Pina Colada | Absolute Collagen

Spiced Pina Colada

If you like pina coladas then let this spicy twist on the drink warm you up this Fry January.

Coconut milk is healthier than most milks. It promotes heart health and weight loss. Cinnamon has powerful medicinal properties. Black peppercorns may have benefits for the brain and blood sugar control. Normally, we wouldn’t recommend sugar but brown sugar is healthier than its white counterpart by having more minerals such as iron.


- 150ml pineapple juice
- 50ml coconut milk
- 25ml lime juice
- Ice

For the mock rum syrup:

- 100g dark brown sugar
- 1 pineapple, a few strips of skin, plus leaves to garnish
- 5 black peppercorns
- 5 cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick


To make a mock rum syrup, put the dark brown sugar and 200ml water in a saucepan, stir well and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.

Add a few strips of skin from the pineapple, add the black peppercorns, cloves and cinnamon stick, then bring to the boil.

Turn off the heat and leave to infuse until cold. Strain into a jug and set aside in the fridge until needed. Will keep for up to three days.

Pour the pineapple juice into a tall glass, and add the coconut milk and lime juice. Stir gently. Fill up the glass with a handful of ice then slowly add 25ml of the syrup so it sinks to the bottom.

Garnish with pineapple leaves and add some Absolute Collagen.

Cheers to Dry January and a great 2020!

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