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Can collagen make you gain weight?
July 22, 2019

Can collagen make you gain weight?

Worried about ingesting collagen incase it makes you fat? Read on!

For the most part, your entire body is held together by collagen protein – which is why is it named after the Greek word ‘kolla’ meaning ‘glue’.

It is present in nearly every part of you from your hair to your toenails – and it keeps your metabolism healthy to burn fat. As we age and collagen levels naturally deplete in our bodies we can get plumpness, saggy skin and aching joints.

One myth you may have heard is that collagen can make you gain weight - when in fact quite the opposite is true!

Woman on scales checking weight

How does collagen help to maintain our weight? Collagen supplements cannot actually burn fat – but they CAN build lean muscle. The theory is that if collagen nourishes the muscles, the excess calories in our bodies will be used up by the muscles – and this in turn will speed up metabolism.

As we age, our muscle-mass decreases and is often replaced by fat. By taking a high protein supplement like Absolute Collagen, you build more lean-muscle mass which burns calories faster.

Additionally, the high-protein content of hydrolysed collagen is known to be an effective, natural appetite suppressant, which means its satiating effect can also promote weight loss and stability.

A study among obese and diabetic patients found intake of hydrolysed collagen (in the form of gelatin) stimulated the release of satiating hormones into the bloodstream. After consumption of collagen, patients had a reduced appetite, resulting in a decreased overall food intake (see footnote 1). These diabetic patients were able to lose weight by eating less because the collagen protein played an important role in reducing their appetites.

We can therefore benefit from losing or sustaining weight by consuming edible liquid collagen thanks to the lessened desire to snack as it helps to make the body feel fuller for longer.

Weight loss with collagen supplements

Also, unlike some weight-loss promoting products – hydrolysed Absolute Collagen contains no fillers, no binders, hormones, acids or forms of harsh processing so does not affect the natural functioning of our bodies.

And it contains just 32 calories per 10ml dose.

In studies hydrolysed collagen has also been reported to show a decrease in fats – thanks to the muscle building properties – and this in turn is fantastic for health avoiding clogging of the arteries and increased organ support.

Aside from this – consuming collagen protein may reduce both loose skin and the visible appearance of cellulite during a weight-loss journey, giving a smoother, less dimpled appearance to the skin.

This is due to the molecule being responsible for making the connective-tissue in your skin, therefore able to thicken the skin and camouflage any irregularities.

1. Rubio, IG, and Gláucia Castro. “Oral Ingestion of a Hydrolyzed Gelatin Meal in Subjects with Normal Weight and in Obese Patients: Postprandial Effect on Circulating Gut Peptides, Glucose and Insulin.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2008.  .
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