3 great 2019 spring skincare tips
Now that spring is here, that means one thing: a new skincare routine.
It’s important to update your skincare as the seasons change. Spring is known for its varied temperature, changes in weather and sunshine. These environmental differences can really wreak havoc on your skin, so it’s important to find a new routine that will combat any problems and provide protection while keeping your skin glowing all season.
That’s why we’re sharing our favourite spring skincare tips with you. Here are just a few that we recommend now that spring is in the air.
Our top three spring skincare tips:
Throw out your old products and clean your makeup brushes
You’ve heard of spring cleaning your house, why not spring clean your makeup bag? Now is the perfect time to get rid of all of the old creams, moisturisers and products that you haven’t used as makeup and beauty essentials also have expiration dates.
It’s just as important to clean your makeup brushes too. Dirty makeup brushes can carry germs, bacteria and oil onto your skin, which leads to breakouts. Give them a good scrub with hot water or a makeup cleaning solution to get all of the grime off. An added bonus: cleaning will also extend the life of your brushes too!
Lighten your creams
Another one of our spring skincare tips is to lighten up your creams and moisturisers. While heavier skincare products are great for dry skin in the winter, since more moisture is needed, you need something a bit lighter and less greasy during the warmer months. Switch out the heavy creams for lighter lotions, water toners and gel products instead.
The same goes for SPF. It’s vital that you add sun cream to your beauty routine no matter what the season, but experts say that the spring sunshine is actually more dangerous than summer sunshine as the sun doesn’t seem as harsh, so we don’t slather on the cream in preparation.
You can mix a lightweight, non-oily sun cream with a primer before applying your makeup or purchase a good foundation that includes SPF for extra coverage.
Scrub off the dead skin left over from winter with a good exfoliator. This will keep your skin smooth, give you a more even skin tone and improve blood and lymph circulation, lending to a healthy flush in your cheeks. Don’t go overboard though as too harsh a product or too much pressure can leave skin rough and dry. Opt for a gentle scrub instead.
Absolute Collagen
Last but not least, Absolute Collagen’s daily dose of beauty will make sure your skin is glowing all season long.
Our powerful formula contains high-grade marine collagen as well as a Vitamin C to help stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging in the skin. A sachet a day will plump out your skin, giving it that glowing and dewy look we associate with spring. Plus, as an added bonus, our drinkable collagen supplements will keep your hair and nails healthy and help with any sun damage too!
These are just a few of our spring skincare tips. Remember to take your Absolute Collagen daily for the best results!