5 reasons why you should be using collagen for muscle repair
If you're a runner or a bodybuilder you will always want to push your physical limits, which can be trying for your body; but did you know that you could take collagen for muscle repair?
If you're an athlete or even a novice, you should be using collagen for muscle repair as it intensely rehabilitates and nourishes muscle and tissue.
A muscle strain or injury can put a stop to your training routine, which can be devastating for your progress. Luckily, collagen supplements exist to combat this issue, helping to strengthen your muscles in order to prevent further and more serious injury.
Collagen is also great at keeping tissue clean, reducing inflammation associated with pain and tissue damage. After a workout, muscle fibres tear and protein is an essential part of the repair process.
Collagen is the building block of protein and the body recruits this nutrient to assimilate with and mend tissue. It even repairs the connective tissue and joints, making post-workout movement easier and less painful.
Absolute Collagen is a natural product that specifically targets and repairs tissue, so you can get back to your exercise routine faster. Here are five reasons why it's essential to use collagen for muscle repair if you want to achieve your fitness goals.
Why you should be using collagen for muscle repair
1. It's more effective than protein powder
Traditional whey based protein powder is popular among fitness fanatics, but it’s not as effective as a collagen supplement.
Our bodies naturally produce collagen. Taking a collagen supplement simply increases the availability and intensity of the collagen dosage available to the body so that muscle repairs are quicker and more intense.
The chain of amino acids in Absolute Collagen supplements is made up of smaller peptide bonds, meaning that the absorption of collagen in the supplement is faster than most other sources of protein.
Like a standard whey based protein powder, Absolute Collagen supplements are easy to use and can be taken straight from the packet or even be mixed into water or a post-workout smoothie.
A collagen supplement also helps to balance the essential nutrients and chemicals inside our cells so that the body is in the optimum position to build lean muscle.
Collagen can encourage a good nitrogen balance in the body, which allows you to build on the muscle you already have instead of losing mass and accompanying strength.
2. You can restore essential nutrients lost in your workout
More than just an aesthetic supplement that makes skin appear youthful and firm, collagen is also a great post-workout supplement to take after you've finished in the gym.
Collagen makes up around 30% of your body's total protein production and these levels drastically deplete after a heavy workout, which leads to low energy levels and aching muscles that can slow down your exercise progression.
A collagen supplement helps to restore any lost nutrients and even encourage your body to naturally produce more collagen on its own.
These supplements will make it easier for your body to synthesise the essential protein required for tissue restoration.
For those who enjoy an intense workout, it's essential to take collagen for muscle repair and to replenish the body's nutrient stores.
3. There are no adverse side effects from taking collagen
As a naturally occurring protein, there are no adverse effects associated with taking collagen supplements.
Absolute Collagen is a superior supplement composed of hydrolysed collagen; it can be seamlessly incorporated into your everyday diet and is perfectly suitable for long term use.
Composed of three essential amino acids ― glycine, proline and hydroxyproline ― Absolute Collagen is crucial for muscle repair and strengthening that you need if you're training or looking to improve your fitness.
Each batch of Absolute Collagen is independently and medically tested to make sure that it is entirely safe for consumption.
Free from any artificial colours or ingredients, a collagen supplement doesn't contain any toxins and simply adds to the normal protein synthesising process that naturally occurs in your body.
4. Collagen can speed up injury recovery time
Studies show that collagen supplements are beneficial for athletes who are working to repair tissue and reduce the amount of time their body needs to recover from exercise-related injuries.
People mostly use collagen for muscle repair, but it is also beneficial for the body in many other ways. It's great at strengthening bones and joints, protecting them during intensive periods of exercise.
This means that collagen can also help to repair damage complaints relating to bone and cartilage strength; runners who suffer from shin splints can really benefit from a collagen supplement and get back in their running trainers in no time.
Taking collagen regularly can be extremely beneficial in the long run. A collagen supplement is great for the older generation as it reduces the chance of getting bone and joint-related problems, such as arthritis, that exercise can potentially make worse.
If you suffer from any of these problems, collagen can get you back on your feet no matter your age and it can help to keep you active for longer.
5. You'll be at the peak of your physical performance
If you're trying to beat your best race time or lift more than you've ever lifted before, then a collagen supplement could be the life saviour your muscles need.
Working out and sticking to a strict diet plan is difficult and both will only get you so far in terms of body gains.
There is nothing more frustrating than reaching a stalemate in your exercise regime; a collagen supplement can help you to overcome this hurdle and make progressions in your training regime once again.
Depleted collagen levels can spell disaster for your overall muscle tone, especially if your regular diet already lacks crucial collagen boosting nutrients. A collagen supplement is an intensive dose that will help you to make a progression in your fitness once again.
Collagen helps to build lean muscle mass, meaning that after regular use, you will feel noticeably healthier and stronger. In terms of aesthetics, collagen gives you the energising nutrients that will allow you to intensify your exercise routine for more defined and toned muscles.
Results are quick and people can expect to see quality changes in their physical performance in as little as two weeks of taking a collagen supplement.
Absolute Collagen provides the most effective supplement on the market for muscle recovery.
If you want to start using collagen for muscle repair, then browse our ready-mixed, drinkable collagen supplements to see how they can help you.